Tag Archives: change curve

Delegation Tip: To Each His Own Aha!

“Change favors the prepared mind – but it can capsize the inept.” – Ronald Gross

Classic management texts say that people confronted with change go through a natural progression: Denial, Resistance, Exploration, and Commitment. Supposedly, employees must pass through all four phases to cope with change.  An oft-quoted statistic says only 12-15% of employees respond positively and constructively to change, so management needs to conduct special seminars to help others get through it.  All of that always seemed a bit too touchy-feely to me.

I prefer to consider this change curve, first introduced to me by Jeff McKenna.  I find that it gives me a much more useful understanding of the mechanics of change.
Change curve illustration

Any change involves a transition period of loss and chaos before the benefits of the new way begin to take hold.  Eventually, though, Continue reading Delegation Tip: To Each His Own Aha!